Published by on 20 Sep 2010 at 11:29 am
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This site is based on three years of research for a book examining the claims that humans are the main cause of global warming and that warming will be a disaster. My conclusion? Most of what we've been told about the causes and dangers of global warming is misleading, exaggerated, or plain wrong (including the claim that the planet is warming dangerously--it has almost flatlined since 1998).
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Quote Unquote
The triumphs of science are due to the substitution of observation and inference for authority. Every attempt to revive authority in intellectual matters is a retrograde step. And it is part of the scientific attitude that the pronouncements of science do not claim to be certain, but only to be the most probable on present evidence. One of the greatest benefits that science confers upon those who understand its spirit is that it enables them to live without the delusive support of subjective certainty.
-- Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, p. 102.
Climate sites
- Air Vent
- Benny Peiser home page
- Bob Tisdale
- Canadian Free Press
- Climate Audit: Steve McIntyre
- Climate change science
- Climate Police
- Climate Research News
- Climate Resistance
- Climate Skeptic
- CO2 Science
- Dr. Tim Patterson on climate myths
- Falsehoods in Gore film
- Friends of science
- Global Warming Cause
- Global Warming Science
- Harmless Sky
- Heartland Institute
- Jennifer Marohasy
- No Frakking Consensus
- Oregon petition project
- Peace Legacy
- Popular Technology
- Prometheus
- Roger Pielke Sr site
- Science & Public Policy Institute
- The Skeptical Environmentalist
- Understanding climate change
- US Senate committee on Environment
- Watts up with that
- WebCommentary
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