False Alarm: Global Warming — Facts Versus Fears

Why Almost Everything We’ve Been Told About Global Warming is Misleading, Exaggerated, or Just Plain Wrong

On this site are excerpts from and notes for my book on the myths, exaggerations, and outright falsehoods being told to the public about “global warming”. The book was published in July, 2010, and is available in print format through Amazon for around $25 (click on the Amazon logo to the upper left), and also in epub format for iPad, iPod, Kindle, etc., at Apple’s iBooks and Kobo. The price in e-format is about $5.

My writing comes from an inquiring perspective that prefers not to accept any scientific “consensus” without solid proof. In this site and the book, I hope to show that the proof, in the case of global warming alarmism, simply does not exist.

False Alarm cover
As a columnist and editorial writer, I wrote on the environmental movement from time to time, always with the healthy skepticism that any good journalist should have. Over time, I discovered that “green” groups expect journalists and the public to accept their alarmist pronouncements without question, however far-fetched their claims.

Several of my columns for the Victoria Times Colonist were skeptical of these claims and, often, quite strongly attacked by environmentalists. I generally don’t take these attacks too seriously—to each his/her own opinions.

One column, however, was criticized by the University of Victoria’s Dr. Andrew Weaver, Canada’s leading computer climate modeler, as lacking in “scientific literacy.” Since I read a lot of science and based my columns on scientific research, I was surprised and looked for an avenue to reply. The best alternative was to research and write a book, which I did for two and a half years.

In the course of writing this book, I became a confirmed skeptic about the claims by the global warming alarmists. Why? Because in my research I’ve found that almost everything the public has been told about global warming is, in fact, misleading, exaggerated, or plain wrong—including the claim that the planet is currently warming (see “Is the planet still warming?”).

Why so much disinformation? Because many climate scientists and environmental groups appear to have lost their objectivity when it comes to global warming, to the point of not just criticizing but condemning as “irresponsible” or “immoral” (or “scientifically illiterate”) all viewpoints but their own position—that the primary cause of warming is human activity and that warming will be a disaster.

They regard this viewpoint as utterly certain, even though absolute certainty has no place in science. As a result, those who, based on an enormous amount of evidence, suggest global warming (and cooling) are primarily still caused by natural cycles are literally condemned as heretics.

Are human activities primarily responsible for global warming? Or are we experiencing natural cycles with some input from humanity? We don’t know for certain, and can’t know for certain, because we can’t get facts from the future. Therefore, logic suggests that all reasonable points of view, including those of the skeptics, should receive a respectful scientific hearing.

Instead, there is condemnation of those who are critical of the “consensus.” In short, when it comes to global warming, we are faced with scientific objectivity gone wrong. The inevitable result is misinformation, exaggeration and outright falsehood.

Is there a ‘consensus’? The three claims

The claims of the global warming alarmists, for which there is supposed to be 100 per cent “consensus,” according to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, come down to the following:

Figure 1: Hadley temperatures 2000-2012. Source: Woodfortrees.org
Figure 1: No warming for more than a decade, according to the Hadley Institute of Great Britain. Source: Woodfortrees.org