Published by on 24 Jun 2008 at 02:46 pm
Climate change: Learning to think like a geologist
Paul MacRae, June 24, 2008
Most geologists aren’t part of Al Gore’s “100 per cent consensus” of scientists that humans are the principal cause of global warming and that we have to take drastic steps to deal with it.
For example, in March 2008, a poll of Alberta’s 51,000 geologists found that only 26 per cent believe humans are the main cause of global warming. Forty-five per cent believe both humans and nature are causing climate change, and 68 per cent don’t think the debate is “over,” as Gore would like the public to believe.1
The position of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists is quite clear:
The earth’s climate is constantly changing owing to natural variability in earth processes. Natural climate variability over recent geological time is greater than reasonable estimates of potential human-induced greenhouse gas changes. Because no tool is available to test the supposition of human-induced climate change and the range of natural variability is so great, there is no discernible human influence on global climate at this time.2
Why do geologists tend to be skeptics? Is it because they are, as Gore and the “consensus” charge, in the pay of the oil industry? Perhaps, but there may be other, more scientific reasons. As Peter Sciaky, a retired geologist, writes:
A geologist has a much longer perspective. There are several salient points about our earth that the greenhouse theorists overlook (or are not aware of). The first of these is that the planet has never been this cool. There is abundant fossil evidence to support this — from plants of the monocot order (such as palm trees) in the rocks of Cretaceous Age in Greenland and warm water fossils in sedimentary rocks of the far north. This is hardly the first warming period in the earth’s history. The present global warming is hardly unique. It is arriving pretty much “on schedule.”
One thing, for sure, is that the environmental community has always spurned any input from geologists (many of whom are employed by the petroleum industry). No environmental conference, such as Kyoto, has ever invited a geologist, a paleontologist, a paleo-climatologist. It would seem beneficial for any scientific investigatory to include such scientific disciplines.
Among all my liberal and leftist friends (and I am certainly one of those), I know not a one who does not accept that global warming is an event caused by mankind. I do not know one geologist who believes that global warming is not taking place. I do not know a single geologist who believes that it is a man-made phenomenon.3
Finally, a retired scientist who emailed me after reading one of my climate columns in the Times Colonist observed: “Most of my geology friends are skeptics — but it has become politically incorrect to voice such views.”
Current climate conditions are not unusual
Geologists tend to question the anthropogenic theory because their education tells them that current climate conditions are not unusually warm, based on either the past few thousand years, or the past few hundred thousand years, or the past tens of millions of years, or even the past hundreds of millions of years.
It’s possible to look at a graph of the past century and conclude: “Oh, my God, the planet is burning up!” After all, the temperature has been rising, more or less, since the 1850’s, with a dip from the 1940’s to the mid-1970’s. The chart to the right shows temperature and carbon dioxide levels from 1860 to now.4
But what if we take a longer view? That presents quite a different picture. Only 400 years ago, the planet was quite cold, a period known as the Little Ice Age (roughly 1300-1850). Before that, though, during the Medieval Warm Period (roughly 1000-1300), the planet was a degree or two Celsius warmer than today, to the point where Greenland was warm enough for settlement by the Vikings. The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were clearly a natural occurrences since industrial carbon emissions weren’t yet a factor. Figure 1 is a graph of the last thousand years based on work by climatologist H.H. Lamb.
Curiously, the temperature graph preferred by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the famous “hockey stick,” smooths out the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age to create an impression that twentieth-century warming is “the warmest in 1,000 years” (Figure 2). Faced with the flaws in this graph, the IPCC has since dropped it and now claims the climate is the warmest in 400 years, which isn’t that impressive given that we’re coming out of the Little Ice Age.
Over the past 4,000 years, the planet has also experienced warm and cool periods, again quite naturally. In fact, warm times seem to recur on a cycle of about 1,000-1,500 years, as Figure 3 shows.5 The 20th century’s warming appeared pretty much in line with this millennial cycle.
Going back 8,000 years or so, we encounter the Holocene Optimum, which was 2-3 degrees Celsius warmer than today’s temperatures — naturally.
Let’s expand our view once again, to the past 450,000 years (Figure 4). What do we see? A roller-coaster ride of glacials (cold times) and interglacials (warm times), on a cycle of about 100,000 years.
By the way, this is the chart, based on ice core readings taken in Antarctica, that Gore uses in his film An Inconvenient Truth. Gore doesn’t try to explain why this roller coaster has occurred, since if changes in carbon dioxide levels were causing the cycle of glaciations and interglaciations, as Gore implies, then the logical question is what caused the changes in carbon dioxide levels?
Gore doesn’t say, because to do so would destroy his case, but here’s what science says: temperature changes precede carbon dioxide level changes by several hundred years, and temperature changes are caused by changes in solar intensity called the Milankovitch Cycles, not carbon dioxide. The Milankovitch Cycles, based on the earth’s changing position in relation to the sun, appear to be the ultimate drivers of climate over the past few million years.
The four previous interglacials were warmer than today’s
Another interesting observation that Gore doesn’t make because it would destroy his case: the four previous interglacials shown on his chart are all warmer than today’s interglacial (the green line in Figure 4 shows how today’s average temperature compares with that of the three previous interglacials).
Also, note that the interglacial peaks are very steep. Before an interglacial becomes a glacial, warming occurs relatively rapidly (if the warming was slow, the curve would be more rounded), and cooling also occurs rapidly.
If our planet is near the top of its interglacial cycle, then we’d be getting — as part of a natural process — the rapid warming climatologists are so alarmed about. And, we can expect rapid cooling when the balance tips (the steep downward slope). To worry about global warming at this stage in our planet’s geological history seems silly from the geologist’s perspective.
As further evidence that we may be near the high point of the climate cycle, the planet has not warmed since 1998, even though carbon dioxide levels have increased steadily. We may well be heading into a new glaciation while spending billions of dollars on reducing carbon emissions on the false premise that the planet is getting too warm.
During the glacials, much of the northern hemisphere (and Antarctica, of course) is covered with ice two and three kilometres thick. Within our roughly two-million-year-old ice age, the glacials last about 80,000 years. The warmer interglacials, which make global civilization possible, last only 10,000-20,000 years. Our interglacial, the Holocene, began about 13,000 years ago, so we’re well past the half-way point in this cycle of warming and looking at a new glacial in the next few centuries or millennia. Warming is, therefore, from the geologist’s point of view, the least of our problems.
Temperatures have been falling for 65 million years
Suppose we take an even longer geological view: the last 65 million years. Here we see a temperature graph that looks like a double-diamond ski slope: the planet has been gradually but steadily cooling during this time (see Figure 5).6) Note how the climate has seesawed in the past two million years, and how close the tips of the warming periods are to the point where glaciations return.
The temperature 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs were obliterated by a comet, was about 22 degrees Celsius; today, the planet’s average temperature is about 12 degrees Celsius. Carbon dioxide levels have also been falling over this time, but much more rapidly than the temperature (which should, in all but the most die-hard “consensus” climatologists’ minds, destroy the idea that carbon dioxide drives temperature). For most of this time on our planet there were no polar ice caps and, yes, the sea levels were many metres higher than today. Humanity can deal with higher sea levels; we’ll have a lot more trouble coping with three-kilometre-high walls of glacial ice.
Finally, let’s look at the very long-range picture: earth over the past 600 million years (Figure 6). Again, we see fluctuations of temperature but, overall, the planet has been much warmer (and with much higher levels of carbon dioxide) than today, and yet life managed to evolve and flourish.
The planet didn’t experience “oblivion,” as the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, suggested at the Bali conference on climate change in 2007. It’s curious that not one of the thousands of so-called climate experts at that conference saw fit to educate Ki-Moon on the geological facts before (or, apparently, after) his speech.
Geologists are fully aware that our planet is not unusually warm at the moment, it is unusually cold. They also know that carbon dioxide is not the villain when it comes to warming — for most of earth’s history, temperature and carbon dioxide have shown only the most tenuous relationship, as Figure 6 shows. The correlation today of rising carbon dioxide levels and rising temperatures that worries climate scientists so much is likely just coincidence.
Overall, as Lamb observed, “Seemingly objective statistics may produce a variety of verdicts which are actually arbitrary in that they depend on the choice of observation period.”7 Alarmists like Al Gore have chosen to focus on the past century, and therefore they worry about warming. Geologists take a longer time-frame and know that the planet has been much warmer in the past without “thermageddon,” that we are in an ice age, and that the biggest future problem we face is not warming but cooling.
Who’s right, the geologists or the computer-based climate scientists? There is no certainty in science (a fact that “consensus” climate science seems to have forgotten). However, if we think like a geologist rather than a computer climate specialist, we know that today’s climate is well within past natural variability — for example, previous interglacials and even previous warm cycles within this interglacial were warmer than today.
In other words, the record of past climate history makes it very likely that today’s climate change is based on natural, cyclical factors, not human factors, and that what we need to worry about is a planet that is colder, not warmer.
- Gordon Jaremko, “Causes of climate change varied: poll.” Edmonton Journal, March 6, 2008. ↩
- L.C. Gerhard and B.M. Hanson, “Ad hoc committee on global climate issues: Annual report.” AAPG Bulletin, vol. 84, issue 4 (April 2000), pp. 466-471. Available at ↩
- Quoted in Alexander Cockburn, “Dissidents against dogma.” Counterpunch, June 9/10, 2007. Available at ↩
- It’s interesting to note that the rise in temperature from about 1900 to 1940 is just as steep as the rise from the 1970’s to now, with much lower carbon dioxide levels, so presumably that rise was “natural,” but, according to Gore et al., the current, similar rise must be human-made. The chart comes from R.M. Carter’s “The Myth of Dangerous Human-Caused Climate Change.” ↩
- Graph comes from R.M. Carter, “The Myth of Dangerous Human-Caused Climate Change.” For details on the millennial cycle, see S. Fred Singer and Dennis Avery, Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years. ↩
- From Brian S. John, editor, The Winters of the World: Earth Under the Ice Ages. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1973, p. 183. ↩
- H.H. Lamb, Climate, History, and the Modern World. New York: Methuen, 1982, p. 16. ↩
Leon Brozyna on 24 Jun 2008 at 9:33 pm #
Ferenc Miskolczi, formerly at NASA, did some groundbreaking work that revealed a fatal flaw in the theory of warming that currently holds sway. He discovered that the equations that AGW theory rest on assume an infinite atmosphere; when he placed a boundary on this factor he found that, while there is some warming, it is hardly worthy of note. And once the saturation point is reached for total greenhouse gases in the atmosphere we essentially reach stasis, as it is now. As more CO2 is added to the total mix of greenhouse gases, other such gases are washed out of the system, most likely water vapor. So why the warming? Natural solar variability and, of course, orbital changes over the very long term. While it hasn’t been directly noted as far as I can see, this natural balance among all greenhouse gases (CO2, water vapor, methane, etc.) would also show up as reduced levels of water vapor as more H2O is locked up in the massive ice sheets. This would give rise to higher levels of CO2 (or other greenhouse gases) in a colder, dryer climate. And any effect on the climate by these gases is, as always, insignificant. Orbital dynamics and solar variability trumps them all.
A quick look at these ideas can be found at:
Leon Brozyna on 25 Jun 2008 at 2:29 am #
Just to clarify one point I made in my earlier comment. As ice sheets expand and water vapor gets locked up in the ice sheets, CO2 expands only in relative terms, not in absolute terms (plus, there is a time lag). Eventually a new stasis is reached as cold ocean waters absorb the relatively higher CO2 levels, bringing them back down to previous levels in relation to atmospheric H2O.
BTW, another more detailed review of Ferenc Miskolczi’s ideas can be found at:
Robert Fane on 25 Jun 2008 at 9:57 am #
I’m impressed that Alberta has 51,000 geologists!
John Nicklin on 13 Jul 2008 at 9:56 am #
The 51,000 number might seem high, but one must remember that Alberta is a resource extraction province. Thousands of geologists and geophysicists are employed in the oil, gas, and coal industries. Add to that the general geologists who do work in other industries like gold, copper, etc. and those who do various other research or work for other industries, and the number could climb that high. We should also consider that not all geologists are PhD level, many have MSc or BSc designation.
Geologists tend, by their nature, to consider time differently than bioloists or atmospheric physicists. By training, geologists think in millions of years, not hundreds or tens. No wonder then that they consider longer time scales and look back way beyond the brief time that humans have existed.
Seth Fuhrmann on 05 Sep 2008 at 3:17 pm #
Of all the research I’ve seen (especially on the relevance of a geological time scale) pertaining to global warming, this is simply the best.
And, unlike many others, i HAVE noticed that geologists’ views HAVE NOT been taken into account (or have been, but very lightly).
R Moormann on 12 Nov 2008 at 5:10 pm #
Great article. I have started further researching this topic a few weeks ago when my daughter (middle school) was shown Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth.” They were instructed if they agreed with the film (the teacher was kind enough to point out the movie contained some improper science) they would write a letter to a public figure outlining their concerns. If they disagreed with the film/idea – they were to present the teacher with a rebuttal with 20 reasons they didn’t agree. I don’t mind if they present BOTH sides of the argument and allow the kids to understand it’s not a foregone conclusion – but that didn’t happen. I was extremely upset that only the kids that believed the propaganda were encouraged to have a “voice”. I was proud that my 12 year had the tenacity to say no. But we will send letters with her perspective. Other kids that didn’t agree – chose to go along with the project so they wouldn’t look different!
Needless to say we were supportive and helped her in her research. I also reached out to my great-uncle who is Professor Emeritus (Geology) at Mississippi State University that is published and I trust implicitly. He responded with much of the same mentioned above, he didn’t dispute that there is evidence that the earth’s climate is warming – but we must put it in a larger context. I think today’s society is so short-sighted and accustomed to instant gratification that they can’t tolerate a bigger picture. What’s so sad, is the people getting financial reward for their “alarmism” will take credit when the earth corrects itself.
I’m afraid if we don’t start making waves and letting legislatures/governments/alarmists know that we are intelligent enough to research this – and not take their word for it, we are in for trouble.
I hope more geologists and scientists start banding together to tell these groups they don’t support their all or nothing approach!
John Anderson on 22 Apr 2009 at 5:45 pm #
In this paragraph:
Curiously, the temperature graph preferred by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the famous “hockey stick,” smooths out the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age to create an impression that twentieth-century warming is “the warmest in 1,000 years” (Figure 2). Faced with the flaws in this graph, the IPCC has since dropped it and now claims the climate is the coldest in 400 years, which isn’t that impressive given that we’re coming out of the Little Ice Age.
Is coldest the correct word in the last sentence? “…is the coldest in 400 years…” Shouldn’t that be warmest?
Chace Erceg on 01 May 2009 at 8:28 am #
Wow. Great article. Especially the part of how millions of years ago the dinosaurs had much more carbon dioxide in its atmosphere and warmer temperatures and yet there was no religious doomsday. Tis very convincing. I have printed this article out to show friends. Thanks for writing it. : )
Murray Thomson on 23 Sep 2009 at 8:31 pm #
Just because Paul Sciaky doesn’t know one geologist that supports anthropogenic global warming doesn’t mean there isn’t one, or in fact that it is commonly accepted among geologists: this is a fallacious argument. It took all of five seconds to find this (scroll down to the Earth Sciences section), quotes from multiple associations of professional geologists around the world indicating they accept global warming and that humans are causing or contributing to same:
Paul MacRae on 24 Sep 2009 at 3:09 pm #
I wrote, at the start of the article, that 26 per cent of geologists polled believe in anthropogenic warming, so one in four geologists does, while 45 per cent think warming is caused by both humans and nature, a view with which I have to agree (I think the human contribution is relatively small, perhaps 10-15 per cent, if that).
Sciaky’s experience is, however, his experience, and I think what he’s saying is that none of this friends believe warming is “man-made,” i.e., entirely caused by humanity, as the IPCC believes. So he presumably doesn’t have any friends in the 26 per cent of geologists who are full believers in AGW which, given the uniformity of views one finds in academic departments (I know this from experience), isn’t too surprising. In other words, three out of four geologists polled rejected the extreme AGW hypothesis. I wasn’t claiming, nor was Sciaky, that all geologists disagree with the hypothesis.
I think the geologists’ majority point of view can be criticized on other grounds, and if you’d care to do so, I’ll be happy to print it in the blog.
Now, please give me a more substantive criticism of the geologists’ point of view.
ginckgo on 03 Dec 2009 at 5:56 pm #
I’m a geologist with a PhD employed as a geologist. I work with numerous geologists, and I can count the ‘skeptics’ among them on one hand. We all know that climate changed in the past; saying any scientist has ignored that is a blatant lie. But we also know that it wasn’t one single factor that changed the climate each time. Just because CO2 and other GHGs weren’t the primary drivers of climate change in the past million years does not support the position that they cannot be the major driver at some other point.
A scenario where gigatonnes of GHGs are pumped into the atmosphere is not a common occurrence in the geological record. But a lot of times when climate did change (and especially when major mass extinctions occurred), changes in the atmosphere’s composition appear to have preceded it.
Paul MacRae on 04 Dec 2009 at 9:37 am #
You are quite right: there are a lot of factors in the climate debate, which is to say, I think, that the science is not “settled,” as we are so often told. And you are right that we don’t know what the effect of added CO2 will be.
However, based on our geological history, including the fact that for most of the 600 million years that complex life has existed on earth CO2 levels and temperatures have been higher and sometimes much higher than today’s, I can see no reason to believe this CO2 increase will be disastrous, and it is just as likely to be beneficial given CO2’s role as a plant fertilizer.
Ultimately, though, we don’t know. It would be nice if consensus climate science would be willing to admit this so we could have the honest scientific debate that consensus climate science tries so hard to avoid. And while I know that climatologists are aware of geological history, it would also be nice if they put more weight on the geological evidence, which does not, at least in my view, support the catastrophist position.
That said, I appreciate you taking the time to write.
venus on 21 Dec 2009 at 8:56 am #
As a geology undergraduate, I am disappointed to see how the entire educational community at my school has gone lock-step with the climate change mindset. It is expecially disturbing to me to see the science facility in unquestioning agreement with this farce, and they are teaching their students that there is NO QUESTION that Gore’s human-caused climate change is occuring.
The first thing I have learned in any science class is that “a hypothesis is no more than an idea that can be either right or wrong” and that the scientist proposing the idea should welcome opposing views and tests in order to prove or disprove their idea. After all, even scientific therioes can be disproved.
It seems to me that any person of science that rejects continued questions and testing has something to hide. What can I do to help conteract this situation without affecting my grades?
Paul P on 08 Jun 2011 at 8:32 pm #
I work with geoscientists, the USGS and community can’t come to an agreement on scientific facts such as, stratigraphic age and order based on carbon dating and physical evidence. It is no wonder they can’t agree on data outside of their realm.
Couple that with the circumstance of the majority of the geoscience professionals working in the resource and petrohemical industries. There is a professional bias amongst this group of scientists to lean towards that opinion.
Jack Carter on 09 Nov 2011 at 3:29 pm #
I am a college educated Geologist. I have worked in the oil field, in mineral exploration and in the mining industry. I really don’t appreciate the concept projected by any group of scientists that Geologists (and Engineers) and their theories are a questionable resource because they have worked in a given industry or for a given type of company. This would imply that they, walking in lock step, want to strip mine the world of any useful minerals, suck out all the oil and gas, and leave behind rubble piles! We, too, have children and families. We are not out to bequeath this legacy on all who follow us.
I have met and continue to meet professionals in the extractive industries who are hard core environmentalists – because of their scientific training, thinking, and experience. We can and have recognized environmental problems beyond the understanding of non-geologists. Consider how many earth scientists work for the U.S.Geological Survey, the Bureau of Land Management. the Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Corp of Engineers, the Mining Safety and Health Administration, and Environment Protection Agency; may gotten started in mining or oil field related employment. Must we mistrust them now – in the new job – because they worked for an oil company?! Or should we use there experience and knowledge to help us make more realistic analyses of our climatic changes?
Are deniers in the evolution and global warming camps the same people? - Page 11 - Political Forum on 08 Dec 2011 at 4:47 am #
[…] How can "geology" be a theory challenging AGW?? Have a look at this for starters: Yes, yes, I know you'll say it's all crap and it's been debunked etc. That's fine: everyone is […]
David Segall on 15 Dec 2011 at 6:28 am #
You failed to mention that 70% of the “geologists” in your survey were engineers . Check out the APEGGA Climate Change Survey.
Brian on 17 Dec 2011 at 2:09 pm #
The trouble is, skeptics of this particular phenomenon have plenty of tools at their disposal which have not been successfully applied. This is science after all.
1. If the current greenhouse effect model is incorrect, you and all other scientists are free to propose, test, and present a better model. You present here, that in fact, the current greenhouse model is wrong altogether.
“temperature changes precede carbon dioxide level changes by several hundred years, and temperature changes are caused by changes in solar intensity”
Really? Please present the peer reviewed paper you released that made the greenhouse effect irrelevant. I’d like to inform my 8th grade Geology professor. Alternatively, we can sit and do the blackbody radiation calculation in the comments. It’s quite simple math, actually.
2. We can accurately measure direct emission of human CO2, and other greenhouse gases, through conversion of spent fossil fuels to their chemical byproducts.
3. Al Gore is a straw man.
4. Almost everything the skeptics present is misleading (correlation in place of causation), and worse, there is a vested interest in continuing confusion by both the energy industry, and developing nations – both of whom fund massive dis-information campaigns. Those who present evidence in favor of a human-driven global warming scenario have little or nothing to gain. In fact, if we do need to cut our carbon emissions to maintain climate stability, we all collectively have a great deal to lose.
Mike Markey on 04 Apr 2012 at 6:26 am #
The truth of this is that the driving force behind the “research” on global warming or climate change or whatever you wish to call it is “grant money’. 40 or 50 yrs ago the academics studying this were making peanuts and driving around in Volkswagon vans. Today many are writing books, pontificating on cable TV and applying for government grants by the truck load. And by the way, they now drive Volvo’s, Beemers and in few of the really sucessful flim flam guys, Mercedes.
The fact is as shown by all of these graphs is that climate changes and there’s nothing we can do about it. If the chicken littles of catastrophic global warming are correct, the planet gets a bit warmer. History shows that this has happend many times in the past and contrary to all the gloom and doom, humans are still here. More importantly, humans and critters lived quite well north of the 40th line of latitude during these warmer periods. But if these guys are wrong, and reducing CO2 helps bring on the inevitable next period of glaciation, no humans will be living north of the 40th degree of latitutde because it will be buried under a couple miles of ice. Personally, I’ll take the warming.